Have you wanted to become more sustainable but aren’t sure how?
Don’t worry – You are not the only one! The internet is flooded with so much information about sustainability that it can be an overwhelming and confusing place.
I am here though to tell you the simple truth. At the heart of becoming more sustainable is building green habits.
Green habits are the lifestyle changes and considerations we make in our daily lives that all add up to help us create a greener lifestyle. Often times this is not what we want to hear. We want to be able to purchase new products or apply a quick fix to feel like we checked the sustainability box.
To actually live a more sustainable lifestyle though we need to consider our daily actions and how we interact with the world. Below I have listed three ways to kickstart green habits in your own life that I’m sure you will love!
1. Take Stock (And Take Stock Often)
Have you ever stopped and took a look at your stuff? Like really looked, like Marie Kondo “does this spark joy?” looked. If you are like me, then the answer is probably no.
Oftentimes we let our stuff surround us without truly thinking about what it is and why it is there. As the Senior Prom dress that still hangs in my closet can attest to, I am definitely guilty of keeping stuff around well past its use.
So let’s take stock….
Taking stock is an essential green habit to build because it connects you to the items you already own and makes you think about it’s purpose.
As you take stock some important questions to ask yourself are:
- Which items in this space are single-use?
- Which items are not being used and could be repurposed?
- Which items need to be replaced soon?
Taking a moment to think about our own stuff in this way can help us:
- Identify what we keep buying that is single-use or not used at all
- Consider how we can repurpose items that have value to us
- Plan out how we could substitute sustainable alternatives in the future
This past summer I chose to take stock of my bathroom. My bathroom was a tricky space for me because I knew it would be littered with tons of stuff I would hate to part with.
Taking stock of my bathroom though helped me realize (1) I still had products that I didn’t even like in middle school, (2) I had products stored away down there that I had been buying replacements for even though I already owned it, and (3) I owned many single-use products that are harmful to the planet.
Ultimately, this process helped me map out which items I could do without, which items I could use in other places, and which items I was going to introduce a sustainable alternative for.
Now, I can happily say that over the past 6 months I have switched most of my bathroom to sustainable alternatives and found ways to repurpose items I was previously not using!
Challenge yourself to take stock of your living space often. Building this green habit will help you realize what you already own and how you could use your items to create a more sustainable future.
Are you taking stock now and wondering what to replace your single-use items with? Take a look at my Sustainable Swaps Guide to give you inspiration!
2. Focus On One or Two Changes at a Time
A rookie error that I have fallen victim to is the “I need to change everything now” statement.
Most of us have been there.
You are sitting on your couch watching a documentary about how the coral reefs are dying and you think to yourself “OH MY GOD I NEED TO CHANGE EVERYTHING AND LIVE IN THE WOODS AND NEVER DRIVE MY CAR AGAIN AND NEVER EAT MEAT”, or maybe something along those lines.
This motivation is GREAT, the planet needs our help, but trying to change too many things at once can leave you overwhelmed, and giving up on all of your actions in the first place.
So instead a great green habit to build is to focus on ONE or TWO attainable changes at a time.
Maybe you always buy plastic water bottles when you go to the gym? Well, start with buying yourself a reusable water bottle and remembering to bring it every day.
Then throw in another attainable habit, like making sure all your lights are shut off in your home when you leave, or walking places when you can.
Or maybe even take a look at the items you need to replace soon in your life and make a plan to replace them with a sustainable swap.
Focusing on one or two areas ensures that you are repeatedly practicing this habit and integrating it into your routine. When you are start building these habits in your life successfully, THEN decide on one or two more things to focus on next.
Though this takes more time to do, in the long run, you will find that you are creating a lasting impact by sticking to the lifestyle changes you made.
3. Find Your “Why”
Sustainability plays a different role in each of our lives. For some, it is a small consideration and for others, it shapes the way we make all our choices.
No matter how big of role sustainability plays in your life it is important to identify at least ONE reason WHY you want to be sustainable.
It may be a commitment to protect an animal species, to save wild green spaces, or maybe for those super savers it may be the cost-benefit analysis of buying sustainably in the long run.
Though this may seem like an odd way to build green habits, having a purpose or a “why” to back up your choices is essential in driving your actions. When you have a cause or a WHY for your sustainability choices then you are more likely to stick to them.
Every time you reach for those paper towels you might imagine that forest falling, or those sweet animals staring up at you.
For me, I am particularly driven by the plight of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and its effects on marine life.
This motivation and emotional connection reminds me why I take action to make sustainable choices. No matter, what your motivation is remember it and think about it as you make choices!
Having a “why” also helps clearly explain to others why you choose to make sustainable choices. When a relative asks why you have ditched liquid shampoo and conditioner, you can tell them a fact about how much you love the ocean and were sad to hear about the amount of pollution in our waters.
Ultimately, this “Why” can both inspire yourself and others to think sustainably and stick to your choices.
In Conclusion…
While there are many great ways to build green habits, the three I have listed above are some that I have found to be crucial in my sustainability journey.
Taking stock of my space often, making one or two changes at a time, and finding my “why” have all helped me create sustainable lifestyle changes that I am motivated to stick to!
Ultimately, they also help me recognize all the ways I can continue to grow and improve my behaviors to become an even more responsible earthling!
Ready to start today!? Check out my post 5 Free Ways to Go Green Today to get started!
If you find your “Why” please let me know by posting on your IG Story and tagging me @ecofriendlywithemmy or by posting on Facebook page Eco-Friendly With Emmy.
Everyone has different passions and I love to know what inspires you to be sustainable!
Helena says
Thank you so much for this useful article 👏
Annette says
Thank you for sharing. This has become a passion for me and my family.
Jeannie says
I am trying to be more sustainable too, I always try to bring my own water bottle too. thanks for your tips
Megan says
So many great ideas! I’m starting by bringing my reusable shopping bags everywhere I go so I don’t need to use single-use plastic or paper ones
Diomayra says
You gave some really simple and easy tips to become more sustainable. It is crucial we work towards preserving a healthy planet before it is too late.
Arica says
I love this post! There are always ways I can do better when it comes to green habits, and this is so helpful!
Molly says
Wonderful tips! I bring my own bags every time I go shopping and use my water bottle as much as I can.